The Order of the Engineer was initiated to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer.

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Order of the Engineer Induction Ceremony

The Order of the Engineer Induction Ceremony is being held with the 2017 Continuing Education Conference hosted by the Utah Society of Professional Engineers (USPE).

Date: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Time: 7:00 am
Location: University of Utah
Warnock Engineering Building
72 S Central Campus Dr.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Cost: $10 for the ring
Registration Deadline: April 25th, 2017


Registration has not yet opened.

House number and street name or PO Box
Apartment, suite, c/o, etc.
E.g. Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.
ABET-accredited university from which you graduated
Little finger of working hand - check the Ring Size Chart

Registration is now closed.